Monday, November 1, 2010

Day of Dreaming.

The look from atop a hill Apartmentwenty is next to.

Today was an awesome day. With no truck, I let Tim take it to work because his car broke down, I was left with the two sticks God gave me called legs.

I decided to venture out to some areas I haven't frequented in a long time. I am not sure what the mountain or hill is called but I truly love the area. Its filled with winding roads and old house. Some of the houses are dilapidated and run down, they are just asking for a remodel and a white paint job. But that's is me dreaming.

The little dog who thought he was a Giant.

Walking around in what was amazing California Winter weather I realized that this, this very place is where I wanted my first house to be. The area is just right in a new buyers price range. The houses are situated off the road a bit and on larger lots. The house are all from the 1950s or 1960s, unless they were knocked down for new tan stucco piles.

My plan is in four years to buy my first house. I am determined to reach my goal at all costs. I just want a place of my own two stretch my design and creative talents to the brink and back. I would like a steel building to home build barn type building as a work shop. I am interested in wood working and lamp making, as well as my normal painting and photography.

You can see why I titled it "Day of Dreaming"
That should be the theme of my life really because its all I do. One day it will be reality.


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